20762.59 CO2 / 1,000,000,000 CO2
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As the realities of climate change edge ever closer, businesses find themselves under increased pressure to adapt and take meaningful steps in sustainability. The good news? Accommodating this demand not only boosts their profile with stakeholders but also brings cost-savings and risk reduction benefits – attractive incentives for any organisation looking to futureproof itself. Carbon neutrality is a sought-after badge that sets companies apart from competitors, proving they have made serious commitments toward reaching environmental goals.
Let’s take action against climate change together! By taking a few simple steps and utilising our business carbon calculator, you can measure your carbon footprint, take steps to reduce this footprint and by offsetting the balance to help your company become proudly carbon neutral. Our team is dedicated to helping reduce the global impact that businesses have on the environment and supply them with an official Carbon Neutral certificate recognising this effort. Let’s join forces in protecting our planet- reach out today for assistance taking your firm onto more sustainable ground!
67% of customers are willing to pay more for products and services from Sustainable brands.
By taking a closer look at your business' energy usage, you may be able to uncover ways to reduce both consumption and expenses, finding how energy is utilised could have long-term cost savings benefits for your organisation.
67% of consumers worldwide prioritize brands with a clear commitment to sustainability.
64% of consumers expect companies to reduce their carbon footprint.
Going carbon neutral mitigates the risk of carbon tax and other regulations that are due to hit businesses.
As businesses continue to grow, sustainability has become increasingly important for employee attraction and retention.
The journey to carbon neutrality provides your company endless opportunities to mix up your marketing routine and showcase your values. Talk about emission reduction, offsetting, and carbon neutrality on social media, website, press and more.
To effectively communicate your carbon neutrality make sure to:
your emissions
what you can
the remainder
carbon neutral!
Join our mission to reduce 1 billion metric tons of CO2 by 2030. Contribute by changing your lifestyle, converting your investment portfolio and offsetting carbon via projects around the world.