20762.59 CO2 / 1,000,000,000 CO2
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‘’It has so far been a pleasure to work with billion-air who have been professional and readily available to address all our needs and concerns. We look forward to a successful cooperation.’’ Farah Shammas, Managing Director – St Raphael Resort and Marina
“billion-air has been instrumental in our journey towards reducing our carbon footprint. With their carbon footprint calculator, we have gained valuable insights into how our actions and lifestyle choices contribute to carbon emissions. This understanding has empowered us to take small, yet impactful, steps to improve our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Thanks to billion-air, we’ve made remarkable strides in reducing our carbon footprint, contributing positively to our planet. Their innovative solutions have made a significant difference in our efforts to become more environmentally responsible.” Mehran Eftekhar, WTCCy Director
“Teaming up with billion-air helped Cartridge World Cyprus achieve carbon neutral status after 20 years of trading. They guided us to measure our 2022 emissions and then offset them by contributing to worthwhile projects that each help achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are proud to have always championed reuse and recycling and of becoming the first carbon neutral Office Supply Company on the island.” Duncan Glover, Director
“With the precious collaboration of billion-air, FECIF managed to obtain the carbon neutral certification. This is a fundamental step that all companies and associations should take alongside an experienced and professional partner like billion-air.
FECIF is actively engaged in pursuing United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and aims to involve all financial advisors and financial intermediaries in this ambitious project.” Vania Franceschelli – Chairperson FECIF – European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries
“billion-air enabled FEIFA to become carbon neutral with its excellent online Business Calculator and very helpful service and support. The process was easy and not particularly time-consuming. billion-air also provides excellent, up-to-date information on the whole sustainability arena.” Paul Stanfield, FEIFA CEO
Join our mission to reduce 1 billion metric tons of CO2 by 2030. Contribute by changing your lifestyle, converting your investment portfolio and offsetting carbon via projects around the world.