20762.59 CO2 / 1,000,000,000 CO2
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Climate science is a study of the structure, dynamics and integrity of our planet’s climate systems. Climate is ultimately determined by the complex interplay between that energy and the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land masses.
By no means a recent area of study, Climatology has a 200-year long history dating back to French scientist Joseph Fourier speculating the early theories of heat-trapping atmospheric gases.
It took nearly a century of research and data collection to convince most of the scientific community that the planet’s climate could be negatively affected by human activity. In the 1800’s, early experiments suggested that human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases collected in the atmosphere and caused an insulating effect on Earth, a theory we know today as the greenhouse effect. By the late 1950’s, more accurate CO2 readings on a larger scale finally offered the worrying data to support this growing concern.
As the early researchers knew, man-made global warming was an issue that required thorough evidence and a deeper understanding to prevent a catastrophic alteration of our climate that would potentially lead to the destruction of all habitable zones on the planet. It is by the diligence of our climate scientists that enabled us to notice the slippery slope of human industrialisation, giving us a chance alter our collision course.
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier
French Mathematician & Physicist born 21 March 1768.
Initiating the study of Fourier Series and the discovery of the Greenhouse Effect.
Making the observation that the air in the Earth’s atmosphere acts as an insulating blanket, trapping radiation heat from the Earth’s Surface. From this suggestion came the birth of climatology.
Eunice Newton Foote
American Scientist & Inventor born in 17 July 1819
Experimenting on the warming effect of sunlight on different gases.
Independent from John Tyndal, some 3000 miles away in United States – Foote was exploring ideas about global warming dynamics.
John Tyndall
Irish Scientist born 2nd August 1980.
Developing the first high-precision instruments to measure the greenhouse gas effect.
His discoveries laid the foundation for climate science by demonstrating that gases and vapours could absorb heat. His discoveries also explained why the sky is blue.
Svante Arrhenius
Swedish Scientist born in 19 February 1859.
Quantifying the influence of CO2 on the atmosphere.
Spreading awareness of the dangers of man-made CO2 and its potential adverse affects on the earth’s climate.
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