Reforestation project in Brazil and Kenya

The project area is part of the Amazon, the largest remaining rainforest on our planet. The Amazon is known for its amazing biodiversity; containing 10% of all species. The rainforest is home to some endangered species that rely on it for their survival.

This project is working to prevent unplanned deforestation in native forests, which has occurred due to logging, squatting and attempts to implement pastures. The project is expected to avoid over 22 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions over a 40-year period. This will be achieved by managing the land in the form of a “private conservation reserve”, through rigorous monitoring and enforcement. Since 2012 the project has scaled up its monitoring activities by employing and properly training local villagers for monitoring and enforcement activities.

Kenya Planting:
This project provides an opportunity to plant trees in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley.

Over the last ten years, the project in Kenya has planted over 200,000 trees and rehabilitated over 160 hectares of the forest helping in restoring the water catchment ecosystem function of the forest. While doing this, over 20 community members who directly work in the forest make their livelihoods from the project. Many more from their families benefit from being dependent on them. The project includes an empowerment scheme, where the members are now owners of dairy cows from which they get additional income from the sale of milk to their villagers.

The project is strongly focused on empowering women, who make up over 50% of the project team.

Project Details

Annual Tonnes Saved: 264,116

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