20762.59 CO2 / 1,000,000,000 CO2
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See what lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your carbon output. Use our lifestyle calculator to know exactly how much carbon your lifestyle creates.
Your carbon output goes beyond just lifestyle changes. Your pension and investment funds contribute to your carbon emission output.
Learn about sustainable projects across the globe where you can donate and offset towards your personal carbon output levels.
A sustainable lifestyle begins with adapting your habits to reduce your carbon footprint.
However, there will always be a point where you have done all you can but still remain with a carbon footprint. This is where carbon offsetting helps you reach the target of carbon neutrality.
From sustainable energy and reforestation to providing clean water sources, our project portfolio, goes beyond carbon reduction and supports 10 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). So, offsetting your carbon emissions with us will attribute you with carbon reduction & social development achievements, making your impact even bigger.
Join our mission to reduce 1 billion metric tons of CO2 by 2030. Contribute by changing your lifestyle, converting your investment portfolio and offsetting carbon via projects around the world.