20762.59 CO2 / 1,000,000,000 CO2
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All you need to know about climate change
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Do you know what businesses and which sectors the money in your pension and investments are supporting? Billions from pension and investment funds continue to be invested directly or by our banks into private equity firms, fossil conglomerates and corporations which do not conform to the net-zero emissions. Making sure that your pension and your investments are ethically invested could be one of the most significant things you can do.
Find a Financial Adviser close to you to discuss your finances.
It’s one thing to change your lifestyle, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, how you travel and much more.
But, how much do you know about the investments you make? How sustainable are the companies you are directly investing in?
You may be cutting your carbon emissions from your lifestyle changes but you are adding them back on by investing in companies that do not practice sustainability and cause detriment to the environment.
Check out our short video and let us help you convert your investment portfolio into a sustainable one.
Rising sea levels, summer heatwaves, widespread droughts, storms, wildfires, and disastrous floods: These are all dramatic effects of human-induced climate change. Some investors may overlook climate change in their portfolios, but for those on top of the world’s environmental changes, green technology and renewable energy may provide profitable investment opportunities.
Join our mission to reduce 1 billion metric tons of CO2 by 2030. Contribute by changing your lifestyle, converting your investment portfolio and offsetting carbon via projects around the world.